The 567 Method Monthly Results, we take a look into whether Ben Dawson’s The 567 Method Really works or another betting scam.
Official Website for The 567 Method: Click here

The 567 Method is an automated tipster service currently being sold through a variety of online betting sites. It uses a system that provides you with 5 bets per day, 6 days a week (30 total bets per week).
Firstly you need to sign up and provide your email address for the tips to be delivered to you on a daily basis. You will receive an email every morning from the 567 Method except Sunday. The system operates Monday through to Saturday only.
The 567 Method is said to bring in around $700+ profit each week for a $3,000 month, or just under $40,000 operating on a full year with the service. When we looked further into it this was actually for a $100 bet (actually to be completely correct is is £100). Even at a stake of £10 per bet though you will still be profiting around £280 a month minus your £29.95 subscription fee. £20 per bet for £560 a month and so on.
You will find that most online bookmakers are able to take win bets for The 567 Method and certainly the larger bookmakers you will have absolutely no problem getting your bets on. I prefer Betfair myself but you may be able to get even better prices elsewhere.
There is software included for The 567 Method to allow you to spot opportunities and the software requires no download so it is purely web based.
As with all Clickbank products they are backed by a 60 day money back guarantee if you don’t make a profit which is why these systems are used and trusted by so many users.
After a trial of this method I am happy to report back on level stakes betting of £50 per bet you would of profited around £1655 last month.
We score The 567 Method a solid 4/5.
Click here to visit the Offical 567 Method Website